Hazard Mitigation Resources
Mitigation Planning Guides
Disaster Data into Hazard Mitigation Planning
This guide will provide users with a clear picture of how the data and information that come out of a natural hazard disaster can be filtered back into the local hazard mitigation planning processes to improve risk reduction actions and strategies.
Contractor Tip Sheet
FEMA tips on hiring a consultant to assist with the development and update of your hazard mitigation plan.
Local Mitigation Planning Handbook (New)
This guidance manual is the primary source to reference during plan development. It provides the information and instructions on how to meet the plan approval requirements.
Local Plan Review Guide 2011
The Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide helps Federal and State officials assess Local Mitigation Plans in a fair and consistent manner, and to ensure approved Local Mitigation Plans meet federal requirements.
Mitigation Planning Toolkit
Hazard Mitigation web based tools to assist States, Local, and Tribal Communities involved in Hazard Mitigation Plan Development and Updates.
How-to #1 Getting Started
This guide provides a summary of the activities and issues involved in the hazard mitigation planning process as well as information on how to initiate the planning process.
How-to #2 Understanding Risks
This guide focuses on how to develop a risk assessment for your community. Topics covered include identifying hazards, profiling hazards, inventory of assets andestimating losses.
How-to #3 Developing the Plan
This guide represents the third phase mitigation planning which involves taking the risk assessment and turning that into goals, objective, and mitigation strategies.
How-to #4 Bringing the Plan to Life
Once the plan has been developed, it is now time for the fourth phase of the planning process which is implementation. This guide provides information on how to implement, evaluate and revise the plan.
How-to #5 Using Benefit-Cost Review
One of the requirements to the plan is a prioritization of mitigation actions based on a review of benefits and costs. This guide provides instructions and examples on how to use the benefit-cost review.
How-to #6 Historic Property and Cultural Resources
This guide provides information on how to integrate historic property and cultural resource considerations into hazard mitigation planning.
How-to #7 Integrating Man-made Hazards
This guide provides information on how to integrate man-made hazards into the hazard mitigation plan.
How-to #8 Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Planning
Local governments have the option to develop multi-jurisdictional mitigation plans. In order to meet approval, key requirements have to be met. This guide uses the FEMA plan review crosswalk to explain these requirements and how to meet approval.
How-to #9 Using the Plan to Prepare for Projects
One of the fundamental purposes behind mitigation planning is to develop actions or projects that will reduce the long-term risk from hazards. This guide provides instructions on how to proceed with developing appropriate mitigation projects.
Hazard Mitigation into Local Planning
This document provides information to local government officials on how to best integrate hazard mitigation into the full range of community planning activities.
This guide provides a resource that communities can use to identify and evaluate a range of potential mitigation actions for reducing risk to natural hazards and disasters.
Planning Fact Sheet
FEMA fact sheet on Mitigation Planning for Disaster Resilient Communities
Value to Society
FEMA fact sheet on mitigation's value to society.
Mitigation: Integrating Best Practices into Planning
This report promotes the concepts of safe growth and includes six major case studies from across the nation on best practices for integrating hazard mitigation into all aspects of the local planning process.
GEMA/HS Mitigation Planning Documents
Timelines GANNT Chart
This document is a sample timeline that can be followed to update a local hazard mitigation plan. It can be shortened or expanded as needed to fit the needs of the community.
This document is a sample report format for the critical facility data downloaded from the Georgia Mitigation Information System. It helps compile the data into a format that summarizes and calculates the data by jurisdiction and by hazard score.
This document is a sample work plan that can be followed to update a local hazard mitigation plan. It can be altered as needed to fit the needs of the community.
Worksheet #1
This is a worksheet that can be found in the FEMA How-to Guide #2. It is a tool than can be used in mitigation plan development to identify the hazards within a community.
Worksheet #2
This worksheet is a tool that can be used when developing the hazard profiles.
Worksheet #3a
This worksheet is a tool that can be used during the inventory of community assets.
Worksheet #4
This worksheet is a tool that can be used in the evaluation of alternative hazard mitigation activities.
Critical Facility Data Collection Spreadsheet
This document is intended to be used where a significant amount of critical facility data exists and can be electronically transmitted for incorporation into the GMIS system.
Instructional Information
This document provides instructions on how to use the Georgia Mitigation Information System. GMIS is a web based tool for mapping and reporting of Critical Facilities, Mitigated Properties, and Repetitive Loss Properties.
Coordinates conversion table
This document will help convert a critical facility’s GPS coordinates into a format acceptable in the Georgia Mitigation Information System.
Frequency Table
This spreadsheet can be used to determine the frequency of specific hazards within a community. By updating and reviewing this table over time, it may be possible to see if certain types of hazard events are increasing or decreasing in frequency.
This document provides a legend of hazard scores created by the Georgia Mitigation Information System, which can be readily copied as needed into a hazard mitigation plan.
Hazard Mitigation Plan Template
This is a plan template developed by GEMA/HS to provide an example of how a mitigation plan could be formatted. It is specifically structured to meet the Federal Planning Requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 Section 322.
Mitigation Plan Review Tool - Appendix A
The review checklist requirements have been changed including additional requirements that were not emphasized in the previous crosswalk. Please note that the State Requirement (Element F) has been changed from the previous crosswalk.
This document is a sample tool that can be used to provide general information about a local hazard mitigation plan to the public.
Drought Monitor History and Extent Table
This document helps compile Drought related information from the US Drought Monitor into a format to help concisely identify history and extent information for the drought hazard within a hazard mitigation plan.
HM and Long Term Recovery Planning
Report 483/484: Planning for Post Disaster and Reconstruction
Policies for providing planning for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction
for a Sustainable Future
This FEMA document is about hazard mitigation, disaster resistance, sustainable development and livability, and describes the linkages among these concepts.
for a More Sustainable Future: An Operational Framework
This document provides guidance to Emergency Management staff in the post-disaster response and recovery process.
Disaster Recovery
This is an all-purpose handbook on how to build sustainability into a community during the recovery period after a disaster.
Disaster Recovery Framework
The National Disaster Recovery Framework is a guide to promote effective recovery, particularly for those incidents that are large-scale or catastrophic.
Emergency Management and Assistance
Mitigation Act of 2000
DMA 2000 (Public Law 106-390) provides the legal basis for FEMA mitigation planning requirements for State, local and Indian Tribal governments as a condition of mitigation grant assistance.
HMA Guidance
This is the FY13 FEMA grant guidance for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program, and Flood Mitigation Assistance Program.
to FY15 HMA Guidance
This Addendum to the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Guidance provides information that is generally applicable to particular types of HMA projects.
HMA Guidance
This is the latest FEMA grant guidance for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program, and Flood Mitigation Assistance Program.
T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5207, and Related Authorities
Other Resources
Partnerships to Reduce Hazard Risks
Tips for Community Officials, Colleges and Universities
Participation Techniques
This list provides an assortment of methods to reach the largest audience and solicit meaningful input, while also taking into consideration your community’s budget, schedule, and target audience.
This guide addresses the interests of developers and people living in community associations at risk from wildfire.
Communication Strategy
The Communication Strategy for Developing and Promoting Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies is designed to facilitate the sharing of effective mitigation strategies and practices, to increase public awareness and to compel citizens to take action.
Tips for Managing Disaster-Related Project Costs
This report from the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General will assist Disaster Assistance applicants to document and account for disaster related costs, minimize the loss of FEMA disaster assistance funds, and maximize financial recovery.
Safe Room
Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room for your Home or Small Business
This publication provides safe room designs that will show you and your builder/contractor how to construct a safe room for your home or small business.
and Construction Guidance for Community Safe Rooms
This publication provides guidance about the design, construction, and operation of community safe rooms and storm shelters, and for extreme-wind events.
Protection: Selecting Refuge Areas in Buildings
This publication provides guidance to help building administrators, architects, and engineers select the best area of refuge in existing schools.
Tornado Safe Room Doors
Fact Sheet for selecting residential tornado safe room doors.
State Hazard Mitigation Strategy
Hazard Mitigation Strategy
Georgia Hazard Mitigation Strategy Standard and Enhanced Plan
Hazard Mitigation Strategy Appendices
Appendices to the Georgia Hazard Mitigation Strategy
Federal Agencies
U.S. Department of Commerce - Census Bureau
United States Census Bureau - American Fact Finder
United States Geological Survey
South Atlantic Water Science Center - Georgia
US Army Corps of Engineers
Headquarters: US Army Corps of Engineers
Flood Smart
Official site of the National Flood Insurance Program
Floodplain Management
Floodplain Management
National Flood Insurance Program
National Flood Insurance Program
National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System
The National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements.
Association of State Floodplain Managers
Association of State Floodplain Managers
Georgia Stream Gauge Data
This link provides details for each stream gauge in Georgia. This includes current conditions, historical crests, flood stage levels and description of impacts.
NWS Flood Forecast Inundation Mapping
NWS Flood Forecast Inundation Mapping
Silver Jackets Program
Silver Jackets Program
Storm Surge Inundation (SLOSH Maximum of Maximums)
NOAA’s National Hurricane Center (NHC) National Map of Storm Surge Risk
USGS Flood Inundation Mapper
USGS Flood Inundation Mapper
Disaster Resilient Building Construction Appendices
Disaster Resilient Building Construction Appendices
Georgia Flood M.A.P.
Georgia Flood Mapping Assessment and Planning. All current DFIRM maps are available for viewing on this webpage.
Georgia Quick Facts
United States Census Bureau: Georgia Quick Facts
Georgia Silver Jackets Program
Georgia Silver Jackets Program
Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute
Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute
Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety
Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety
Natural Hazards Center
Natural Hazards Center
NOAA: National Climatic Data Center
NOAA's National Climatic Data Center is responsible for preserving, monitoring, assessing, and providing public access to the Nation's treasure of climate and historical weather data and information.
State Agencies
Georgia Forestry Commission
Georgia Forestry Commission
IS-318: Mitigation Planning for Local and Tribal Communities
FEMA Independent Study Course - IS-318: Mitigation Planning for Local and Tribal Communities
IS-393.B: Introduction to Hazard Mitigation
FEMA Independent Study Course IS-393a: Introduction to Hazard Mitigation