Emergency Management Field Operations
The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency’s Field Operations consists of eight Field Coordinators who are located throughout the state. Emergency Management Field Coordinators have combined experiences in emergency management, fire/rescue, law enforcement, 911 operations, public health, corrections, and school safety. The Emergency Management Field Operations staff are deployed to affected areas by the direction of GEMA/HS Management or by the request of a local jurisdiction.
GEMA/HS has eight administrative areas in Georgia, with one Field Coordinator assigned to each area. The Field Coordinator is the GEMA/HS Director’s representative to local governments for day-to-day operations and planning, and serves as the liaison between GEMA/HS and local elected officials and public safety agencies during times of emergencies or disasters. The Field Coordinator is responsible for coordinating all emergency management activities within their primary area of responsibility, but also may be assigned to support emergency operations anywhere in the state.

The Field Coordinator provides specialized training, technical assistance and emergency management consultation services to local governments, private industry and businesses, and faith-based or non-governmental organizations. This includes, but is not limited to, the following functions:
- 24 hour-emergency response
- planning, response, and recovery training
- resource management
- development of emergency operations plans
- development of standard operating procedures
- design and evaluation of training exercises
- evaluation of the overall local emergency management program