
Praise & Preparedness is an initiative launched by the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency. Its main goal is to encourage faith-based organizations and houses of worship statewide to promote the message of emergency preparedness and readiness before disaster strikes. It will not only promote individual preparedness, but preparedness as a house of worship family.

This initiative will enable the congregation to receive information on how to make sure their facility safe, how members in the congregation can practice preparedness in their homes, and how their house of worship can get involved in disaster relief efforts in their community.

Beneficial resources are also accessible and downloadable by clicking on Tools. This will aid in achieving the goal of becoming a Praise & Preparedness partner with GEMA/HS. You can learn more about the partnership program and the requirements for becoming a partner by clicking on Partnership.

Each section contains pertinent information towards becoming more prepared for the next disaster that could hit your house of worship. From the Emergency Operations Plan under the Facilities section to the Emergency Supply kit under Congregation, we hope you find what you looking for in order to be Ready.