Video Transcript - Shake Out, Don't Freak Out

Woman 1: “Oh right, did you feel that!? Oh- Oh my- oh you feel- hold- hold on Ryan it’s going to be a wild ride! Ahh!”

“Earthquakes really do happen. Even here in Georgia.”

Kid 1 (male): “The Great Shake Out is the largest Earthquake drill ever. On April 28 at 10:15 millions will drop, cover and hold on.”

Kid 2 (female): “The goal is to prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes.”

Kid 1 (male): “When was the last time an earthquake shook the state of Georgia?”

Participant 1: “Four years ago?”

Kid 3 (male): “Actually, we just had an earthquake last year in 2010.

Kid 1 (male): “True or false, earthquakes usually happen in the morning?”

Participant 1: “True?”

Participant 2: “Umm..maybe…I think they do.”

Participant 3: “I’m going to go with true.”

Kid 2 (female): “False. Earthquakes can happen at any time of the day.”

Kid 3 (male): “If you are in a bed when an earthquake hits, should you hide under your pillow or what should you do?”

Participant 2: “Try to hold your balance and just brace yourself.”

Participant 1: “I’m going to get in my door way. Good to go! (laughing)”

Woman 1: “I think I would probably go in the bathroom and get in the bath tub.”

Participant 4: “Uhhhh…get out of the bed and get under it?”

Kid 2 (female): “You should stay in bed, turn over on your stomach and put your pillow over your head. That’s what emergency officials recommend.”

Kid 2 (female): “If you are inside when an Earthquake hits, what would you do? Should you run outside?”

Woman 1: “No, stay inside.”

Participant 3: “Ummm…”

Kid 1 (male): “No, you definitely don’t want to run outside, that’s the most dangerous place to be.

Kid 1 (male): “What would you do if you were at work when it hit?”

Participant 1: “Get under a desk.”

Participant 5: “I would probably get under my desk.”

Kid 2 (female): “A desk would be an excellent place to drop for cover.”

Kid 3 (male): “Next time an earthquake hits Georgia, here’s what you do: you’re going to drop, you’re going to cover, you’re going to hold on.”

Kid 2 (female): “That’s all the questions.”

Kid 3 (male): “Man, I’m sure glad we did that.”

Kid 2 (female): “Yeah, those grown-ups just didn’t know enough.”

Kid 1 (male): “I know right!?”