Radiological Preparedness

The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency's Radiological Programs Section is responsible for the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Program, and Local Emergency Planning Committee Program.

The mission of the REP Program is to ensure the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of Georgia's nuclear power facilities in the event of an accident. The primary emphasis of the program is on nuclear power plants, however plans also address other fixed nuclear facilities and radiological incidents. The REP program is responsible for plan development, plan reviews, responder training, and exercises to ensure that state and local governments are ready to respond in the unlikely event of an accident.

Nuclear Plants in Georgia

Public Warning/Notification

Warning to the public within the 10-mile emergency planning zones of Georgia's nuclear facilities is primarily provided by tone alert radios. These tone alert radios are similar to NOAA weather radios and are provided to all residences, businesses, schools and other facilities within 10 miles of each plant. This warning system can be activated by GEMA/HS within minutes of the decision by local and state officials notification of a nuclear emergency. Sirens supplement the tone alert radios at Plant Vogtle and local television and radio broadcasts supplement the above mentioned systems at all sites. Emergency preparedness information is distributed annually to the public by the utility. This information contains maps of evacuation planning zones and instructions for what to do when notified of an emergency at the plant.

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