(ATLANTA) – Under the authorization of Governor Brian Kemp, the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) will coordinate with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to enlist the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for debris removal operations in counties declared eligible for Public Assistance following the widespread damage caused by Hurricane Helene.

Currently, GEMA/HS and USACE are coordinating personnel and staffing logistics for the upcoming debris removal operations. Full-scale efforts to clear debris from the impacted areas are expected to commence in approximately three weeks.

“As our state continues to respond to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene, I have directed all available resources to be deployed and engaged in recovery efforts,” said Governor Brian P. Kemp. “Today’s authorization is in line with that direction and will ensure that the road to recovery will not be delayed for those who were impacted by the storm. I’m grateful for our first responders and all our state, local, and federal partners who have worked tirelessly to bring hope to and restore our impacted communities.”

GEMA/HS will work closely with county emergency management agency directors to ensure that ongoing emergency response efforts are both providing maximum relief to residents and adhering to federal regulations. Georgia National Guardsmen will be deployed to support county resources, helping to maximize relief by clearing debris from public properties and rights of way on private land.

“GEMA/HS is committed to ensuring that the recovery process is swift and effective for the communities impacted by Hurricane Helene. By collaborating with our state and federal partners, we will deploy all available resources to clear debris for our residents,” said GEMA/HS Director Chris Stallings. “We are grateful for our strong partnerships with county officials and the National Guard, as they enable us to deliver the maximum relief and support necessary during this challenging time."

Counties that have pre-existing debris removal contracts are free to utilize those contracts to begin debris removal operations. There will be an opportunity for those counties to opt into the use of USACE resources once they are available here in Georgia. 

GEMA/HS is establishing a Debris Removal Task Force to coordinate and synchronize the efforts of all available resources. County officials and GEMA/HS will work together to determine how best to utilize the available personnel and equipment to clear the existing debris and returning life back to normal for all Georgians as soon as possible.


As part of the Office of the Governor, the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency collaborates with local, state and federal governments in partnership with private sector and non-governmental organizations to protect life and property against man-made and natural emergencies. GEMA/HS’s Ready Georgia website and preparedness campaign provides Georgians with the knowledge needed to effectively prepare for disasters. Go to gema.georgia.gov/plan-prepare/ready-georgia for information on developing a custom emergency plan and Ready kit.