Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988 established the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The purpose of HMGP is to provide funds to State agencies and local governments in the aftermath of a disaster for projects that reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from the effects of natural hazards. The program enables mitigation measures identified in State and local mitigation plans to be implemented during the recovery from a disaster. HMGP funding is allocated based on a formula percentage of the Stafford Act Assistance received. Georgia's Enhanced Plan approval allows for the State to receive 20% of the estimated aggregate amounts of disaster assistance. This is one-third more than States without Enhanced Plan status.

Project Funding

The Federal share of HMGP funding cannot exceed 75% of the total eligible project cost. The remaining non-federal share may be met with cash, contributions, certain other grants such as Community Development Block Grants, or with in-kind services.

HMGP Application Process

Within the State of Georgia, HMGP is administered by the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS). GEMA/HS Hazard Mitigation staff offer technical assistance to local governments for project identification and application preparation. All applications start with the completion of a pre-applications, which are available by project type as shown on the HMPG Pre-Applications page. GEMA/HS is also responsible for the review, prioritization, and funding recommendation of eligible projects to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA is responsible for making all final funding decisions on eligible projects.

Following a presidential disaster declaration, GEMA/HS advertises for HMGP grant applications.

Current Grant Information

Pre-applications for the HMGP are accepted by the GEMA/HS Hazard Mitigation Department on a rolling basis. Please contact (404) 635-7522 or [email protected] for more information.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants who are eligible to apply for HMGP Grants are:

  • Public agencies, including State and local governments
  • Certain private non-profit organizations or institutions that provide essential services to the general public.

Applicants must have a federally approved mitigation plan to be eligible for HMGP funds. The plan must include mitigation actions that support the proposed project. Additionally, a letter of support from the County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director is needed for each application.

Eligible Project Criteria

To be eligible for funding, a project must meet the following minimum standards:

  • Conform to the State's Hazard Mitigation Plan;
  • Conform to the requirements of Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands (44CFR Part 9, and Executive Orders 11988 and 11990);
  • Conform to environmental regulations (44CFR part 10) and to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and all other Federal, State, and local environmental regulations;
  • Address a repetitive hazard in the project area, or one that poses a significant risk to life and property, and provides a long term or permanent solution to reducing the threat from the hazard;
  • Be cost-effective (the reduced future damages discounted to present value should exceed the initial project cost);
  • Be the most practical and environmentally sound alternative after considering a range of options;
  • Projects must be located in communities that are in good standing in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Information about participating NFIP Communities is available at http://www.fema.gov/cis/GA.pdf.

Eligible Projects

Projects may be of any nature that result in protection of life and property All proposed projects meeting the above criteria will be considered. Projects that merely identify problems are not eligible. Although hazard mitigation encompasses every aspect of emergency management from preparedness to response to recovery, Congress’s intent in creating this program was to fund projects that eliminate the need to prepare, respond, and recover from natural disasters, thereby reducing Federal expenditures on future disaster events.

Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to:

  1. Warning systems with mitigation as an essential component.
  2. Projects to promote the use of safe room designs in tornado prone areas.
  3. Retrofitting methods such as elevation in place, structure relocation, structural reinforcement (wind and seismic), strapping of utilities, installation of storm shutters, tie downs, etc.;
  4. Acquisition of property and/or relocation of homes, businesses, and public facilities;
  5. Development of State or local standards with implementation as an essential component;
  6. Structural hazard control or protection measures such as flood walls, detention basins and other storm drainage upgrades; and
  7. Generators that protect a critical facility.

Other Eligible Project Types

Development of State or local plans that meet the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.