Video Transcript - Get Your Pets Ready

Woman: “I’m Stacy with Ready Georgia, I’m here talking with Dr. Will Draper…”

Man: “What’s up?”

Woman: “…about preparing your pet for emergency and disaster safety. Now I know it can be tricky for people with pets to find a place when they’re planning to take them.”

Man: “Right, a lot of the evacuation sites are not pet friendly, so make sure that you know where you’re going to take your pet. If it’s not an evacuation site, find a hotel that’s pet-friendly, find a family member or a friend who you can set up a buddy system with in the case of an emergency so you can take your pet there or they can bring their pet to you.”

Woman: “What is this?”

Man: “That is a great question. This is your Ready kit. It is a waterproof container that contains all of your pet’s essentials – water, food, veterinary records, medications – everything that’s important so that if your pet’s away from home, you’ll be prepared.”

Woman: “So that’s all we’ve got for you, but you can find out a lot more by going to They have a list of pet-friendly hotels and they have a list of what’s in this Ready kit – just pretty much everything you need to know to get you and your pet out safely.”

Woman: “Get a kit, make a plan, stay informed.”

Woman: “Next time, you might want to be prepared.”

Man: “Yeah, yeah, I was not prepared. Be prepared, make a plan… I did not make the plan for pants.”