Public Assistance/Infrastructure and Local Government Assistance
Public Assistance/Infrastructure and Local Government Assistance is supplemental aid to local, state and select non-profit organizations for the specific purpose of response and recovery in state-mandated or presidentially-declared disasters or emergencies.
Who Can Apply:
- Counties that are included in the Federal Declaration
- Any city, town, special district, regional authority, village or borough included in the declared county
- State government agencies that assisted in the declared counties
- Private non-profit organizations that own or operate facilities that provide certain services otherwise performed by a government agency, as long as they also complete a
PNP Questionnaire . Information on what qualifies as a PNP can be found on FEMA's website at
DR-4830 – Hurricane Helene
Hurricane Helene was declared on 9/30/24 – Continuing
Incident Date 9/24/24
Request for Public Assistance (RPA) Application Is Now Open for Declared Counties!
To apply for Public Assistance, an applicant must be a registered user of the FEMA Grants Portal and submit a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) through FEMA’s Grants Portal System: - 30 days after a Presidential Disaster Declaration.
If there are any questions, please contact GEMA/HS Public Assistance Department by emailing [email protected].
DR-4821 – Tropical Storm Debby
Tropical Storm Debby was declared on 9/24/24
Request for Public Assistance (RPA) Application Is Now Open!
DR-4821-Tropical Storm Debby – Georgia Presidential Disaster Declaration is now ready to receive RPAs from Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Berrien, Brantley, Brooks, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Chatham, Clinch, Coffee, Colquitt, Cook, Echols, Effingham, Evans, Jeff Davis, Jenkins, Lanier, Long, Lowndes, McIntosh, Pierce, Screven, Tattnall, Thomas, Tift, Toombs, Ware, and Wayne Counties.
To apply for Public Assistance, an applicant must be a registered user of the FEMA Grants Portal and submit a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) through FEMA’s Grants Portal System: - 30 days after a Presidential Disaster Declaration; the deadline is October 24, 2024
If there are any questions, please contact GEMA/HS Public Assistance Department – [email protected].
Applicant Briefing
The Public Assistance Department will be holding joint Applicant Briefings for DR-4821 Tropical Strom Debby and DR-4830 Hurricane Helene. Briefings will be held virtually – October 16th, 23rd, and 30th mornings (9:00 am) and afternoons (1:00 pm).
We encourage counties to invite cities, municipalities, towns, schools, and private non-private organizations (EMCs, churches, charter schools, etc.), impacted by the event.
Virtual Applicant Briefing Information (WebEx)
Oct. 16th, 23rd, 30th – 9:00am
- Join by phone/1-855-282-6330 US TOLL FREE/1-415-655-0003 US TOLL/Access code: 2422 763 4496
Oct. 16th, 23rd, 30th – 1:00pm
- Join by phone 1-855-282-6330 US TOLL FREE / 1-415-655-0003 US TOLL/Access code: 2421 821 2356
For any questions of concerns, please contact Public Assistance: [email protected]